After 10 years, we thought it was time for a new type of conference- the UNconference.
In an UNconference, the program is defined by the participants of the conference, rather than a program committee, see also Wikipedia.
"Unconferences often use variations on Open Space Technology, the format/method developed by Harrison Owen in 1985. Owen's 1993 book Open Space Technology: a User's Guide discussed many of the techniques now associated with unconferences, although his book does not use that term."
And this might sound familiar to participants of previous MPNE meetings:
'Harrison convened the First International Symposium on Organization Transformation as a traditional conference. Afterward, participants told him the best parts were the coffee breaks. So when he did it again, open space was his way of making the whole of the conference one big coffee break, albeit with a central theme...that would guide the self-organization of the group'.
It only took us 10 years to get to a similar conclusion....but we need a twist.
During a 'classic' UNconference, the program is defined during the first day by the participants on site. But as MPNE is all about convening different stakeholders that usually do not meet, MPNE 2024 will be an UNconference with a twist:
MPNE colleagues have used the January consensus meeting on Data and AI to define 4 themes that groups will work in parallel and then have 90 min to share their learnings with the entire community in the plenary on Saturday. As another feed-back we regularly get is that people hate to miss sessions.....
And we know by now the key ingredients to 'solutions not problems': starting with what we know best and first-hand: what impacts our community. Then, trying to understand where these problems come from and then, testing what type of solutions could work.
We have also learned another handful of useful things: our first ideas are usually too simplistic, the problem usually isn't a single stakeholder but rather what happens between different stakeholders and life is full of surprises and solutions come from unexpected corners.
All very long to say: there is preparation needed in the 3 months coming up to conference! So by signing up, you agree to be part of the solution....and the preparation phase.
MPNE colleagues have now set 4 thematic areas which broadly correspond to the ones of the European Cancer Mission. Under these themes, there are first topics that came up during the discussion and that are intended as suggestions. It will be up to the teams to identify the exact topics they want to work on and we will update the website as groups make their decisions.
Early detection, diagnostics and adjuvant treatments
Access to diagnostics and treatment
Risk-benefit trade-offs
Rare Melanomas
Recent progress
Options for everyone: approaches that help more than one rare cancer at a time
Treatment and options for those out of options
Options for people out of options, including precision medicine
Taming the beast- controlling micromets
Survivorship, mental health, toxicity and quality of life
Long-term toxicity
‘How do you resurrect yourself’
What will not change is PATIENTS FIRST: Every topic has to start with the impact on patients and activities link to it. Having said that- we know that simple won't cut it, so 'we aren't sure how it exactly fits but we think the solution will come from somewhere in this space because of x' is the level to aim for.
Each track will be chaired by a group of MPNE colleagues who will define the impact areas where the Melanoma community needs development but otherwise have a mixed faculty. The groups will align and meet online to prepare for the UNconference, before meeting IRL on Friday afternoon in Berlin for lectures, workshops, discussions- and to prepare for their 90 min session on Saturday where they will share their outcomes with all conference participants.
Looking forward to seeing you in Berlin, for a new edition of MPNE!
Bettina, Gilly, Fredrik and Violeta
MPNE core

The Undoing Project
We are looking for Melanoma patients, carers and advocates who not only want to learn as much as possible about Melanoma but also this time, want to co-create the program and are willing to invest the time to prepare.
The level of the conference is high- we believe that knowledge is a Melanoma patient's best chance to survive- so there will be plenty of opportunity to learn, discuss and to dig deep in the topic YOU care most about!
As always, participation is upon application only. First and foremost, we select based on motivation: so what do you hope to learn this time? What do you intend to contribute? And how do you intend to use it for the benefit of the larger Melanoma community?
Accepted participants will receive free registration and full-board accommodation for the 2 nights (Fri, Sat) of the meeting. Extra nights are at participants' own expenses and need to be arranged by the participants themselves.
Venues are expected to comply with local COVID measures and so will the event. Please be aware that these differ from country to country. We expect participants to comply by local rules and ensure they are sufficiently vaccinated. In line with general rules, there will be no mask mandate anymore. Participation in the event is at the participant's own risk.
Travel needs to be arranged for by participants themselves but will be reimbursed up to the maximum amount of 400€ for economy/ 2nd class travel after full attendance of the conference. Please look for the best deals and keep the original receipts of your bookings. Berlin airport is very well-connected by train, we will therefore no longer reimburse taxi receipts unless required for specific reasons.
Cannot afford to pay ticket upfront? Please contact us.
No attendance, no receipt = no reimbursement.