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the UNconference 

 24th- 26th May 2024



MPNE 2024



Friday, 24th May

UNconference teams meet in real life


13.00- 18.00

Working groups meet- location dependent on track 


The challenge for each team

  • start with a real patient need 

  • work together in the preparation phase and co-design the Friday afternoon  program

  • produce something tangible 


For the UNconference session on Saturday

  • no more than ⅓ presentation

  • faculty from at least 3 different EU countries 

  • at least one part interactive

  • something unexpected- we want to be surprised

19:00 Networking dinner 


Saturday, 25th May 
Time to share learnings and outcomes!  

Each track team has 90 min to present their work and their results to the full conference audience


The 10’ advocacy problem clinic with Olga, Kay and Agati

During the day, we will have several 10’ advocacy clinic sessions- crowd-sourced intelligence on some of those tricky problems patient advocates face!


9.00- 9.15 Welcome

9.15- 10.45 Early Stage Melanoma

Program determined by Unconference track committee

​10.45- 10.55 Advocacy clinic!


11.00- 11.30 Coffee break 

11.30- 13.00 Rare Melanomas 

Program determined by Unconference track committee


​13.00- 13.10 Advocacy clinic!


13.15- 14.15 Lunch 

14.15- 15.45 Advanced Melanoma

Program determined by Unconference track committee

​15.45- 15.55 Advocacy clinic!


16.00- 16.30 Coffee​

16.30- 18.00 Survivorship and Quality of Life  

Program determined by Unconference track committee

​18.00- 18.10 Advocacy clinic!

20.00 Conference Dinner


Sunday, 26th May   

9:30 Retrospective- 10 years in review


MPNE pivotal moments, such as


  • Our MPNE principles

  • the 1st EU project…

  • MPNErare and the power of a network

  • Collaborating between cancers!

  • Impact versus control 

  • V2A2 and patient agency

  • We got the job….assuming responsibility when there’s no other option. 

  • ‘To be that difficult patient so that others don’t have to be’ - survival shouldn’t depend on your ability to be a difficult patient

  • Knowledge is protection

  • What’s patient advocacy about? Well, that’s on us to define…


11.00- 11.30 coffee


11.30- 13.00 Workshop: the next 10 years!  with Gilly Spurrier 

Building on last year’s theory of change and impact assessment: which change do we want to see in the next decade?

13:15 Lunch and departure 


work in progress 



please do not book flights until you have received the confirmation your application has been successful. 





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MPNEsupport is a non-profit organisation registered in Sweden under the organisational number 168024921069

website ©2024 by MPNE. 

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