MPNE is a proud member of WECAN, the Working group of European Cancer Advocacy Networks.
We have problems that are specific to Melanoma- like the dangers of tanning and the drugs that are used in Melanoma- and many other problems that we share with other cancers- like access to therapies and clinical trials.
We believe that working together across cancers will help everyone- we all go further on fewer resources. And that then means, we have more resources to solve those problems that are specific for us.
Every cancer network brings specific expertise and experience to the working group- and as you know, we in MPNE are passionate about Science and research!
Our MPNE colleague Gilly Spurrier chaired WECAN in 2020/21.
WECAN is an informal network of leaders of cancer patient umbrella organisations active in Europe.
To strengthen patient advocacy in Europe and to improve outcomes for all cancer patients.
To collaborate, align and develop joint projects of the European cancer patient community towards all stakeholders. To provide resources for cancer patient organisations and external organisations.
WECAN is not a legal entity. Each member organisation nominates one representative and one alternate. WECAN has a rotating chairmanship. Any activity or project of WECAN is funded and implemented through the participating organisations and funded by unconditional financial support that they may raise for that individual activity.
WECAN Science
In January 2020, we launched the first WECANScience event to build scientific capacity across all Cancer Umbrellas in Europe.
find out more about WECAN here